I't a month later and the circumstances are certainly different, but the Yankees and
Red Sox will kick off another series with a doubleheader on Saturday.
The five-game sweep in Boston wit the Yankees taking both ends behinds 26 rund of
offense and a solid outing by Chien-Ming Wang. Wang allowed three runs over six
innings to start the series.
While NewYork holds an 11 1/2-game lead in the Americsn League East over Boston,
the Yankees don't feel baseball's best rivalry has lost its sizzle.
"The uniform is what rally more so creates the intensity, rather than the players wearing them right now,"Yankees manager Joe Torre said.
"It's stil important. It's very important for us to keep doing what we're doing. The significance of this four-game series isn't the same as the significance of the five-game series."
Wang was originally supposed to pitch Thursday, but was moved to Friday because Torre didn't wamt to risk his health on a wet mound. Wang didn't warm up Friday and just played catch Thursday so he said he felt fine to pitch on Saturday.
It's a month later and the circumstances are certainly different, but the Yankees and
Red Sox will kick off another series with a doubleheader on Saturday.
The five-game sweep in Boston with the Yankees taking behinds 26 rounds of offense and a solid outing by Chien-Ming Wang. Wang allowed three runs over six innings to start the series.
While New York holds an 11 1/2-game lead in the American League East over Boston,
the Yankees don't feel baseball's best rivalry has lost its sizzle.
美國職業棒球大聯盟 (Major league Baseball)分為美國聯盟 (American League)和國家聯盟 (National League),每個聯盟又分為東、中、西三區,各區的冠軍加上外卡 (Wild Card)總共四隊進入季後賽 (Play Off),決定聯盟的冠軍,兩個聯盟的冠軍最後舉行世界大賽 (World Series)。
"The uniform is what really more so creates the intensity, rather than the players wearing them right now, "Yankees manager Joe Torre said. "It's still important. It's very important for us to keep doing what we're doing. The significance of this four-game series isn't the same as the significance of the five-game series."
這裡指的是Johnny Damon,他去年是紅襪隊,今年則是洋基隊,每次出場打擊都引起紅襪球迷很大的騷動。
Wang was originally supposed to pitch Thursday, but was moved to Friday because Torre didn't want to risk his health on a wet mound. Wang didn't warm up Friday and just played catch Thursday so he said he felt fine to pitch on Saturday.
MLB/林哲瑄遭下放小聯盟 羅嘉仁繼續拚戰 記者陳浚錡/綜合報導 休士頓太空人18日公布新一波下放小聯盟的名單,剛結束世界棒球經典賽(WBC)征戰的林哲瑄,回到大聯盟春訓僅打兩場比賽,便被告訴回到小聯盟春訓,而另一位台灣選手羅嘉仁則繼續留在大聯盟努力向上,若表現良好有機會登入開幕25人名單。 林哲瑄在太空人隊春訓運勢不太好 MLB/達比修頸部不適 跳過一場先發 記者楊政典/綜合報導 遊騎兵隊日籍強投達比修有頸部不適,美國時間18日的熱身賽,跳過先發。總教練Ron Washington,達比修沒有大問題,什麼時候再先發?得跟投手教練Mike Maddux討論。 「我覺得頸部有點緊、有點僵硬,」達比修說,「如果這是例行賽,那我會上場,但這只是熱身賽而已,還是謹慎 MLB/美國八強止步 布朗、羅克洛伊難忘經典賽 記者林宋以情/綜合報導 隨著經典賽美國隊在八強賽止步,大聯盟球員也紛紛重回到所屬球隊,投入最後的春訓階段為新球季備戰。經典賽擔任左外野手的布朗(Ryan Braun),以及捕手羅克洛伊(Jonathan Lucroy),在18日同時回到釀酒人隊春訓基地,仍對經典賽有感而發。 羅克洛伊並未參與美國隊第二輪的比賽 MLB/準開幕戰先發投手 紅襪雷斯特先發6局無安打 記者林宋以情/綜合報導 雖然紅襪尚未正式宣布開幕戰的先發投手,但左投雷斯特(Jon Lester)想必已經成為球團的第一人選。台北時間18日紅襪對上坦帕灣光芒隊的熱身賽中,雷斯特先發主投6局,不但讓光芒隊一分未得,零安打外加6局都讓對手3上3下,幾近完美的投球內容也助球隊以5比1贏得比賽 MLB/Teixeira腕傷可能較想像中嚴重 歸期眾說紛紜 記者陳元廷/綜合報導 先前報導指出紐約洋基隊一壘手Mark Teixeira因為手腕拉傷,最快可能也要等到五月才能回到陣中。不過最新消息是他的傷勢可能是手腕的腱鞘(tendon sheath)部分撕裂,最糟的情況可能需要動整季報銷的手術。 所謂的腱鞘是指包覆在肌腱外用來固定其位置的組織,洋基總管Brian. MLB/目標2017經典賽 「國聯新人王」哈波:4年後等我 記者林宋以情/綜合報導 經典賽開打前表示為了專注在新球季,希望自己能完整地參與首度春訓,因而婉拒美國國家隊徵召的「怪力男」哈波(Bryce Harper),17日對外表示,希望自己可以參加下一屆,也就是2017年的經典賽,「四年後的現在,我會參加,百分之百確定。」 目前擔任華盛頓國民隊中外野手的.